Egg Donation For IVF In Prague, Czech Republic - PFC

Egg donation 

Egg donation is a great chance for couples who want to start a family and have exhausted all avenues of assisted reproduction using their own eggs. Egg donation is a sensitive process that must always provide a donor with peace of mind and security for her decision. 

That is why egg donation in the Czech Republic is always voluntary and anonymous. At PFC, we have many years of experience with our own donor program and help hundreds of couples dreaming of family every year.

I want an IVF with egg donation

By donating eggs you will receive 

Free examination 

Thanks to the tests that are a prerequisite for being selected as a donor, you can learn about your personal and reproductive health.

Genetic testing 

The comprehensive examination also includes genetic testing, which is valuable information for you and your family.

Donor compensation 

We greatly appreciate the help of our donors. That is why we offer financial compensation for the costs associated with a donation of up to CZK 33,000.

A wonderfully rewarding feeling 

You are responsible for a new happy family being created — you will help a couple to finally have a child of their own.

How does egg donation work? 

The egg donation is a quick and simple process that takes about 2 months and involves 4 – 5 visits to our clinic in Prague.

Preparatory phase 

Day 0 

Consultation appointment 

Complete the contact form and you will be contacted by our coordinator within one working day. The coordinator will discuss the whole egg donation process with you and suggest an appointment for a personal consultation with a doctor at our clinic. 

The same coordinator will then be in contact with you throughout the process and you can contact them if you have any questions or concerns.

Initial consultation and examination 

+ 1 – 3 weeks 

Initial consultation and examination 

At the initial meeting, the doctor will explain what the egg donation process entails, go over your family history and perform an examination. The examination includes blood collection, gynaecological and genetic testing. During this phase, you will in most cases visit our clinic in Prague twice.

Egg donation 

+ 4 approx. weeks 

Hormonal stimulation 

Based on the results of the examination and the initial consultation, the doctor will prescribe a personalised stimulation protocol that corresponds specifically with your state of health. You will self-administer the hormone stimulation products for approximately 7 – 10 days. 

These are tiny subcutaneous injections and tablets that you needn’t worry about. During the stimulation, we will also perform an ultrasound to check the quantity and maturity of the follicles.

Egg retrieval 

Retrieval of eggs is a quick procedure that takes about 15 minutes and is performed under general anaesthesia. The aim is to collect a larger number of eggs through hormonal stimulation, so we can select the best quality eggs for subsequent fertility treatment of the recipient couple. 

After 2 hours of rest in the clinic, you and your escort can go home and return to your normal life the next day. It is advisable, however, to follow a recommended resting regime for a few more days. You will receive your compensation on the day of collection.

Why donate eggs at the PFC Clinic? 

Speed and helpfulness 

With your coordinator, you will agree on an initial examination and a potential date for egg donation. You only have to visit our clinic near the centre of Prague 4 – 5 times.

Discreet and friendly environment 

You will be attended by a dedicated coordinator and an experienced doctor throughout, who will do everything they can to ensure you feel at ease.

State-of-the-art clinic 

Our modern facilities at our clinic, coupled with the many years of experience of our team guarantee your safety during the donation process.

Years of experience 

PFC is one of the most popular IVF centres in Central Europe. We have had our own donor program since our establishment in 2009.