IVF with egg donation 

IVF with donated eggs is a method of assisted reproduction when the eggs of an anonymous, screened and healthy donor are fertilised by a woman’s partner’s sperm. It is a valuable option for women who are unable to conceive with their own eggs.

More on fertility testing

The clinic that understands your needs 

How does the treatment work? 

Thanks to our own donor programme, you don’t have to wait for a suitable egg donor to be found and potentially you can be pregnant in as little as 2 – 3 months. You will be guided through the entire process by a personal coordinator and your treatment will be led by one, dedicated doctor. 

For more information on the treatment process, please visit our FAQ section.

Preparatory stage 


Online consultation 

During your first online consultation with the doctor, you will discuss your personal medical history and plan or review the examinations which will determine your individual treatment plan. All examinations can be performed at either our clinic or in your own country. The female examination consists of a gynecological examination, an ultrasound examination and blood collection, for instance thyroid and STD testing.

The male examination primarily consists of a spermogram and a blood test to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

The egg donation process explained 

During the consultation, the doctor will explain everything you need to know about the process of donor egg fertilisation. We understand that the IVF process based on egg donation is very emotionally demanding and long one. You can be assured that we will provide you with personalised care, maximum support and all the information you need to choose your pace of treatment depending how you feel and your circumstances

Choosing a donor and the preparatory stage 

Day 0 

Choosing a donor and the preparatory stage 

Based on your phenotype, your hair, eye, skin colour, height, blood type and other possible preferences you may have, we will select a suitable egg donor from our extensive database. All donors are screened medically, genetically and psychologically.

The doctor will design a treatment to match your menstrual cycle with that of the donor so that you are both ready for the embryo transfer at the right time.

The preparation also includes hormone treatment in the form of tablets, which prepares your uterine lining for the embryo to nest in optimal conditions. The gynaecological ultrasound check-up takes place at a time determined by your doctor either at our clinic or at your gynaecologist.

Collection of donor eggs and partner sperm 

+ 4 – 6 Weeks 

Collection of donor eggs and partner sperm 

On the day of egg retrieval from the donor, your partner will come to the clinic for sperm retrieval, or we can use his previously frozen sperm for fertilisation.

Our embryologists will immediately select mature eggs to be used for subsequent fertilisation using the ICSI method.

Fertilisation and egg cultivation 

+ 2 – 5 Days 

Fertilisation and egg cultivation 

Our embryologists fertilise the selected mature eggs on the day of collection using your partner’s most viable sperm. For this, they use the ICSI method, in which they inject the selected sperm directly into the egg.

You can also opt for other laboratory methods to increase the success rate of treatment with donated eggs.

With the MICHSS method, for example, we can better select the most suitable sperm for fertilisation. This is done using a microfluidic chip, which mimics the environment in the fallopian tubes and allows only the best quality sperm to pass through the membrane.

Even in the case of couples where 100% of the sperm is immobile, we have a solution in the form of the LAISS method (laser assisted sperm selection). Using a laser, the embryologist searches for non-mobile but viable sperm, which the specialists use for fertilisation.

After fertilisation, the embryos develop (or cultivate) in our laboratory and are then transferred to the uterus after 2 to 5 days.

We can also use an innovative method for embryo cultivation, the time-lapse monitoring technology, EmbryoScope. This allows continuous monitoring of embryos through a camera without the need to manipulate them in any way.

Embryo transfer 

Retrieval + 5 days 

Embryo transfer 

During cultivation, we continually watch the development of the embryos. Based on the quality and maturation of the embryos, the embryologist will determine the date of embryo transfer into your uterus. The embryologist will inform you personally about the progress of the cultivation before the transfer.

The transfer itself is a quick and painless procedure — the doctor transfers the selected embryo under ultrasound control into the uterus. After a short rest you can leave our clinic.

We freeze other high-quality embryos using the vitrification method and can use them for your future treatment if necessary.

After embryo transfer 

After embryo transfer 

After the embryo transfer, follow the recommended rest regime. Avoid vigorous physical activity, sexual intercourse and hot environments such as baths and sauna.

You can take a pregnancy test 14 days after the transfer. Whatever the result, contact us. If the test is positive, your doctor will schedule an appointment for an ultrasound.

If the urine test is negative, the doctor will recommend a blood test to verify, and if this is also negative, you will arrange to stop the medication. In a follow-up consultation with your doctor, you will plan your next course of action.

What is the success rate of treatment? 

We can help up to 90% of couples 

Thanks to our individual approach and the combination of assisted reproduction methods, we can help up to 90% of couples within 4 cycles. However, patience, openness and mutual trust are needed. The success rate of a single cycle decreases with age, but can be increased, for example, with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of embryos. The graph shows our average success rate of pregnancy per cycle.

According to the age of the patient 

54 % 

<35 years 

47 % 

35 – 40 years 

26 % 

>40 years 

72 % 

>40 with PGT 

We can help up to 90% of couples 

Thanks to our individual approach and the combination of assisted reproduction methods, we can help up to 90% of couples within 4 cycles. However, patience, openness and mutual trust are needed. The graph shows our average success rate per cycle.

By type of cycle 

69 % 

Donated eggs 

80 % 

Donated embryos 

We run our own donor programme 

Show more

At PFC Clinic, we have our own donor programme with a large database of anonymous, vetted donors. Egg donation in the Czech Republic is strictly anonymous. Couples can only find out basic information about the donor regarding biological characteristics. As this is a very sensitive issue, we carefully select the donor for the couple based on basic physical features, blood type and possibly other specific preferences of the couple. We have many years of experience in selecting egg donors and have matched them to help thousands of couples.

Who are our donors

  • Young women (typically aged between 21 – 33 years)
  • The women are physically healthy
  • The women are mentally healthy
  • The women have a body mass index (BMI) below 30

Every woman interested in donating

  • Must undergo rigorous genetic testing
  • Complete a comprehensive medical examination
  • Undergo a check of her family’s medical history.


How do the mother’s genes affect the donated egg? 

One of your questions when deciding whether to choose egg donation is, how and if the mother’s genes can affect the donated egg? New studies show that you, as the recipient, can affect the gene expression of the baby from the donated egg in two ways. The first is epigenetics, which studies changes caused by molecules in the womb other than DNA help. These can affect the embryo before implantation. The second way is lifestyle, which affects every pregnancy, and a responsible attitude will positively affect your baby, ensuring an optimal environment for development.

How much does IVF with donor eggs cost? 

The price of IVF with donated eggs is higher than methods with your own eggs because it covers the costs associated with the donor, including her selection, examination, hormonal stimulation and egg retrieval. You are, however, guaranteed 2 embryos suitable for transfer included in the price.

Price list for IVF with donated eggs

Can homosexual couples undergo IVF in PFC

Under current Czech law, we can only treat couples consisting of a male and a female who intend to undergo this treatment together, based on a written request. The couple doesn’t have to be married, though.

Until what age can I undergo IVF at PFC

We can legally perform assisted reproduction at childbearing age (up to woman´s 49th birthday). For men, there is no age limit for treatment.

The legal conditions of assisted reproduction