Male Fertility Test In Prague, Czech Republic - PFC

Male infertility testing 

If your partner and you have not become pregnant yet, there may be many reasons. Do not hesitate to contact our experts, who will help you to discover any fertility issues and suggest an individual solution based on the findings of initial and advanced examinations.

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What are the most common causes of male infertility? 

  • The most common are — a decrease in concentration, motility or deformities in sperm, which can be attributed to numerous causes.
  • Immunological causes can also prevent the movement of sperm and their entry into the egg. An example of an immunological cause is anti-sperm antibodies, which are immune system-generated proteins that can destroy sperm.
  • Congenital defects, commonly the failure of the testicles to descend after birth.
  • Other diseases such as testicular inflammation, cancer and varicocele (the enlargement of veins in the scrotal area).
  • Long-term exposure to toxic substances such as steroids 
  • Erectile dysfunction or the inability to maintain an erection, which various factors can cause.

What is the process of identifying causes of infertility in men? 

At your initial consultation, you will speak to a doctor who needs to find out about your medical history in detail. The initial diagnostic test at this time is a spermogram, which is a laboratory analysis of your semen. 

If you need to minimise your travel days, you can also undergo the sperm count test in your home country and send the results to us through our secure patient portal. Based on the information obtained, the doctor can assess your fertility and recommend a personalised course of treatment.

Initial consultation 

Personal medical history 

During the initial consultation, the doctor will ask you about your and your family’s personal medical history. This includes any illnesses you may have had, surgical procedures, injuries to the testicular area, allergies or any medications you regularly take. Serious illnesses that have occurred in the family are also important, as fertility issues can have their origins in family history.

Sperm count test 

The initial examination to assess male fertility is a spermogram, which aims to determine the number (concentration) of sperm and their motility and shape. Sperm collection can be done in our clinic or in the comfort of your home. Analysis of the spermogram results can reveal abnormalities that reduce the likelihood of conception. The doctor will recommend a procedure tailored to your situation based on the results.

STD Screening 

An integral part of initial testing and fertility assessment is screening for sexually transmitted infections or diseases. These can be responsible for low sperm quality and other problems if these often symptomless issues go untreated. A sample of blood or semen is taken and according to the results, the appropriate treatment is selected.

Examination evaluation and further testing 

Evaluation of results 

From an analysis of personal and family history and the results of the spermogram, the doctor will determine what treatment methods can be used in your personal case. The spermogram may show a low sperm count, impaired motility or abnormal shape, as well as other abnormalities. These issues are not necessarily obstacles to conception but they can reduce its probability.

Advanced testing 

Specific results from the sperm count test and other factors identified from medical history lead the doctor to recommend further examinations. These typically are a determination of the hormonal profile, genetic and immunological examinations or further examination by a urologist. These advanced tests can reveal possible causes of fertility issues, and the doctor will determine the next steps of a personalised course of action based on their results.

Negative influences on fertility 


Smoking can negatively affect the quantity, motility and quality of sperm and contribute to conception problems.


Excessive alcohol consumption leads to a decrease in the production of testosterone, which is important for the production of healthy, quality sperm.

Weight issues 

Being overweight and obese can impair fertility in men. Excess weight can be responsible for a reduced sperm count and lower sperm motility and quality.

Lack of exercise 

A lack of physical activity affects overall health and can cause fertility problems in men. You should therefore incorporate regular exercise into your lifestyle.

Excessive stress 

Excessive stress and overworking can negatively affect both physical and mental health. Coupled with a lack of sleep, stress can also contribute to poor fertility. To optimise your chances of conceiving, try to get more rest.


Although men’s fertility is not limited by age in the same way as women are, ageing also affects male fertility. With this in mind, you have the option of having your sperm frozen for later use.

What does female infertility testing look like?