IVF with your own eggs 

One of the most effective methods of assisted reproduction is the fertilisation of a woman’s own eggs with her partner’s sperm in a laboratory environment through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). Your own eggs, typically retrieved following hormonal stimulation, are fertilized by our embryologists with carefully selected sperm. After 2 – 5 days of cultivation, a doctor will then introduce the obtained embryos into the uterus.

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How does the treatment work? 

An IVF cycle using your own eggs is recommended by your doctor based on assessment of your medical history and the results of the tests. If your doctor recommends this path, you will be guided through the process by your dedicated IVF Coordinator, and the entire treatment will be led by one doctor. For more information on the IVF process, please see our FAQs.

Preparatory phase 


Initial consultation and examination 

Your IVF Coordinator, who will look after you throughout the treatment process, will arrange an initial personal consultation with your doctor.

During your visit, your doctor will discuss your personal medical history and perform the necessary basic examinations to design an individual treatment plan.

A woman’s fertility examination includes a gynaecological examination, cervical smears, ultrasound examination and testing for venereal disease. The first visit also includes a blood test to determine the hormonal situation in the woman’s body and the function of the thyroid gland.

The male fertility examination consists of a spermogram and a blood test for venereal disease. Your doctor may recommend further examinations according to the established medical history.

Hormonal stimulation 

Day 2 – 3 of cycle 

Hormonal stimulation 

Led by the results of the initial examinations, your doctor will propose a personalised treatment plan as well as a stimulation protocol. Typically, hormonal stimulation involves medication prescribed by the doctor and lasts 8 to 10 days. The aim of the simulation is to obtain an optimal number of quality eggs.

Egg retrieval and fertilisation 

Day 10 – 15 of cycle 

Egg retrieval (puncture)

Based on an analysis of an ultrasound examination, which takes place approximately one week after stimulation, the doctor will determine a suitable date for egg retrieval, which will be carried out at our clinic.

The procedure will be performed under a short anaesthetic, and our embryologists will immediately check the collected eggs and determine which ones have the best chance to fertilise and mature.

Minimal stimulation 

Minimal (or soft) stimulation is a process in which you inject yourself with low doses of medication, ideally resulting in gaining two to six eggs suitable for fertilisation.

Fertilisation of eggs 

Selected, mature and high-quality eggs are fertilised by embryologists in the laboratory with your partner’s most vital sperm. You can also use your partner’s previously frozen sperm or, if necessary, donor sperm.

At this stage, you can choose some of the laboratory methods that increase the success rate of IVF treatment. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI is the most commonly used fertilisation method, in which an embryologist injects selected sperm directly into the egg.

To select optimal sperm, we can use the Microfluidic Chip-Based Sperm Selection or MICHSS method, which mimics the natural environment of the fallopian tubes and allows only sperm with the best chance of success to pass through the membrane.

Another advanced method is OptimFert. This innovation allows you to determine the appropriate time for fertilisation of the eggs, using a special polarising microscope.

Native cycle 

The native, or natural, cycle takes place without hormonal stimulation. This is aimed at obtaining one egg, which is then fertilised by embryologists.

Embryo cultivation (culturing)

For several days, the fertilised eggs develop in our embryology laboratory. In a normal cycle, this part of the process lasts two to five days. At this stage, you can choose time-lapse monitoring, a method in which our experts in the laboratory monitor the continuous development of the embryos using a camera. A main benefit of using this technology is that this monitoring can take place without having to disturb the cultivation conditions by checking them under a microscope.

Embryo transfer 

3 – 6 days after retrieval 

Embryo transfer 

The day after fertilisation of the eggs, we will inform you about the number of developing embryos. Detailed information about the quality, development and number of embryos, including any time-lapse monitoring recordings, will be explained by the embryologist at a personal consultation on the day of transfer. The embryologist will talk everything through with you and is ready to answer your questions.

The transfer of the embryo into the uterus takes place at our clinic and is a short, simple and painless process in which the doctor transfers the selected embryo into the uterus aided by ultrasound.

Even at this early stage, you can choose additional laboratory methods that can increase the chances of successful implantation.

Laser-assisted hatching
, or LAZT, is a method in which embryologists use a non-contact laser to thin the protective envelope of the embryo, the zona pellucida, making it easier for the embryo to dissolve and subsequently nest.

You can also use EmbryoGlue®, which is a solution that mimics the conditions in the uterus and helps implantation after the transfer.

After embryo transfer 

14 days after embryo transfer 

Calm mode 

After the egg transfer, closely follow the rest regime recommended by your doctor. This means avoiding heavy physical activity, including sports and lifting heavy objects. Also, you should refrain from sexual intercourse and having overly hot baths or saunas. Your doctor is also likely to recommend that you relax, try to unwind and think positively.

Pregnancy test 

Your doctor will instruct you on the appropriate time to take a pregnancy test after the embryo transfer, usually on day 14. In the case of a positive test, you will undergo another examination either at our clinic or by your own doctor to confirm the test result. Your doctor will then recommend the next course of action.

If your urine test for pregnancy comes back negative, we recommend a blood test. If this test also is negative, you will be taken off the medication as recommended by your doctor.

You will discuss the next steps with your doctor. Depending on the situation, you can use frozen embryos for the next transfer. In the case of further stimulation, the doctor will carefully evaluate the outcome and may suggest adjusting the treatment plan or using other complementary methods to increase the chances of pregnancy.

You can undergo another stimulation depending on how your doctor assesses your personal situation. This can take place, at the earliest, after 2 months.

What is the success rate of treatment 

We can help up to 90% of couples 

Thanks to our individual approach and the combination of assisted reproduction methods, we can help up to 90% of couples within 4 cycles. However, patience, openness and mutual trust are needed. The success rate of a single cycle decreases with age, but can be increased, for example, with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of embryos. The graph shows our average success rate of pregnancy per cycle.

According to the age of the patient 

54 % 

<35 years 

47 % 

35 – 40 years 

26 % 

>40 years 

72 % 

>40 with PGT 

We can help up to 90% of couples 

Thanks to our individual approach and the combination of assisted reproduction methods, we can help up to 90% of couples within 4 cycles. However, patience, openness and mutual trust are needed. The graph shows our average success rate per cycle.

By type of cycle 

69 % 

Donated eggs 

80 % 

Donated embryos 

The clinic that understands your needs 


What is the native and minimum cycle? 

In assisted reproduction, there are several options in retreiving an egg suitable for fertilisation. One is a native cycle, which takes place completely without hormonal stimulation, or a cycle with minimal hormonal stimulation, where you inject only low doses of medication. After completing the initial examination and if your doctor deems such a cycle appropriate in your particular case, you can undergo this treatment.

There are several reasons why some women prefer this option:

  • Some women respond poorly to stimulation are known as low responders and they only grow one or two eggs regardless of stimulation
  • Some women don’t want to undergo hormone stimulation
  • The recommendation of a fertility specialist does not prescribe hormonal stimulation.

Whilst typical hormonal stimulation has some disadvantages, its upsides prevail, alco in comparison to cycles with no or little stimulation:

  • The method get more eggs into a single cycle, which gives a better chance of pregnancy — our embryologists select from more embryos and can select the best quality
  • Having more embryos is advantageous if we need to genetically test them. We can then also choose the healthy and high quality ones,
  • Other quality embryos can be frozen so in the case that another cycle is needed, they can be used without the need for repeated hormonal stimulation.

If we pass the test, will we have to undergo IVF

The initial examination is followed by a consultation with our IVF specialist. If the doctor does not find a problem on the part of either partner, he/​she will give recommendations to increase your chances of natural conception. However, if the doctor sees obstacles to natural conception or you no longer want to wait, he/​she will outline what treatment options you have. It is entirely up to you whether or not you decide to undergo an assisted reproduction option. You can decide during your consultation or at any time afterwards. We believe it essential to the success of your treatment that you stand by your decision, feel safe and comfortable and trust our specialists.

Learn more about female or male fertility testing

Until what age can I undergo IVF at PFC

We can legally perform assisted reproduction at childbearing age (up to woman´s 49th birthday). For men, there is no age limit for treatment.

The legal conditions of assisted reproduction

Does the injection hurt during stimulation? 

Injections containing the necessary medication for stimulation are usually not painful, but this depends on your sensitivity. Injections are administered using injection pens with a short, thin needle, and are injected into appropriate places on the abdomen. It is important to rotate the injection sites as directed by your nurse or doctor. Some women find it psychologically helpful to have their partner administer the injection.

How much does assisted reproduction cost? 

Just as each couple’s treatment is unique, the cost of artificial insemination varies. You can check our online price list for basic prices, but the final cost depends on your doctor’s recommendation and your choice of advanced laboratory methods. Your coordinator can also offer you discounted packages of services.

Assisted reproduction price list

Is egg retrieval possible without anaesthesia? 

For smaller numbers of eggs, usually in cases of natural or minimally stimulated cycles, you can opt for a procedure without general anaesthesia. This is a quick procedure for which the doctor uses a special thin needle. However, pain tolerence is always an individual matter and the choice of anesthesia is your decision.

Behind every success is an expert team 

An expert team including an experienced doctor, embryologist and a personal IVF Coordinator has your health as its first priority and works to ensure the best possible results.