There are not many stories like the one that Romana shared with us. It is a beautiful synonym of mutual support and great determination, thanks to which she has two healthy children today. With her permission, we would love to share a sensitive narrative with a happy ending to inspire other infertile couples going to our clinic together.
Why did you choose Prague Fertility Centre?
We decided on PFC after 3 unsuccessful attempts and bad experiences with another clinic that was recommended to us by a friend. We didn’t perceive any effort to deal with failed attempts here, we were just invited to the next one. There was also a changing of staff which became almost annoying. After the initial anticipation, subsequent disappointment and growing uncertainty, my now husband, began his search on the internet, where we read the clinic references more carefully.
Did the specialists working at the clinic, the modern equipment of the clinic or the fact that the clinic has its own embryology laboratory play a role in your decision?
When studying different clinics, we were drawn to Prague Fertility Centre by references to specific specialists and state-of-the-art equipment. On our first visit we were pleasantly surprised by the approach we received. The communication was on a completely different level than we were used to. And the more often we went to PFC, the more impressed we were with the great, always friendly attitude and professional treatment. It was only later that we found out how big PFC’s international clientele was, whom we met in the waiting room or at the reception.
Assisted reproduction is undoubtedly very demanding in various ways. What was the most difficult part of the treatment for you?
The most difficult thing is definitely to cope mentally and not to give up. My husband has been a huge support in everything, he has not missed a single visit to the clinic and has shared everything with me fully. It’s a bit sad that the system is set up in the Czech Republic in such a way that the whole process becomes quite expensive over time. Although we had savings, we were also aware that there are enough couples for whom the money factor is an insoluble problem.It is said that shared sorrow is half and shared joy is double.
Throughout the process, did you follow the stories of other women/couples going through the same thing?
Yes, I read countless stories and most of them had a good ending.We often hear that it is pivotal to have the psychological support of a partner, family, friends or a chosen professional. Would you agree?Yes, as I mentioned my husband, who I respect immensely for everything he has been through with me. The support of my immediate family, but also the support of Dr. Švabíková and Mrs. Brandani, the coordinator, was very important to me. The whole thing was quite intimate for us, so we didn’t want to share it in detail even with friends.
An important aspect of infertility treatment is the trust set between patients and doctors. Do you perceive that this relationship was key to successful treatment?
Definitely. Dr. Švabíková is wonderful, empathetic and a great professional in her position. Words can’t describe how much we appreciate her help and I think of her very often when I look at our two beautiful, healthy children and I always mentally thank her for being the one who was lucky enough to treat me. It was a really long, and not easy process for us, but the doctor was always smiling, understanding and incredibly supportive.We always try to make sure our patients have the most up to date information, a patient advisor on the phone and professional support.
All of these roles are handled by our skilled coordinators. How do you feel about their help throughout the process?
We were looked after throughout the whole process by the wonderful and always positive Markéta Brandani. She always greeted us with a smile and her words of support are also impossible to forget. If I needed advice, I didn’t hesitate to turn to her. She always helped me. Even though she was sometimes in a hurry, she always came to greet us when we visited and to discuss the next steps. She was very clear about everything, in short, a person in her place.
Czech society can react to IVF procedures in an unempathic way. How did you cope with any sceptical opinions or prejudices about assisted reproduction?
We needed the help that PFC provided. Despite a worse experience with a previous clinic, we were lucky enough to choose Prague Fertility Centre. It may be true that not everyone can afford this process from a financial point of view. However, I didn’t read any negative reviews and I still don’t. I prefer to go with my gut and make up my own mind. 😊
What advice would you give to couples considering IVF?
To not give up if you can. We didn’t get lucky until our seventh attempt and had our second baby on our first. 😊 The whole journey is very challenging, but if you have great support and most importantly you believe that the happiness will come, and your doctor tells you so…then it really will. Every woman is different and different treatments will work for each one. We first looked for a clinic closer to where we live, which was not the right choice. It’s important to have mental wellbeing during treatment and the commute is the least of the obstacles in the sum. And not to read the negative and sometimes stupid opinions of others, which are now unhealthily abundant on social media.
Is there anything else you would like to share with the IVF community?
Couples having trouble conceiving need to prioritise and go into it with discernment, utmost conviction and calm. A complete family is created when the baby arrives and modern medicine can do unimaginable things.