Another story with a happy ending was shared by our patient Petra. Like many of our patients, her journey to her dream baby was not easy. Read how she tackled the challenges that life had in store for her and her recipe for coping with infertility treatment.
“I came to PFC at a time when I needed a fresh start and new hope. The year was 2020 and I had a six-year-old daughter at home (conceived naturally after two years of trying). Two unsuccessful pregnancies that started naturally followed. Unfortunately, both of these attempts ended by the 12th week of pregnancy. However, a strong desire to have a second baby motivated me to find possible solutions. I came to Prague Fertility Centre at the age of 37 with a diagnosis in genetics and immunology.
The first pleasant surprise was the approach of the coordinator, who was very pleasant, kind and explained everything to us right away. I appreciated her empathy, her smile and the fact that she remembers her patients. She has a saved phone number and is an important contact for everything. The second great surprise was the doctor, MUDr. Švabíková, who turned out to be an incredible professional in the right place. The doctor dealt perfectly with the varicose veins around my ovaries, with the real threat that retrieval would be difficult and the amount of eggs retrieved would be substantially reduced. When I had severe pain in my abdomen a few days after the retrieval, I immediately went for a check-up — again I received perfect care, with no unnecessary waiting and a professional attitude from all the medical staff. After egg retrieval and with beautiful frozen embryos, we waited for the appropriate time for transfer. And what didn’t happen, I got pregnant naturally. Unfortunately, this pregnancy also ended soon after. The doctor then reassessed the situation and a genetic test was performed on the frozen embryos. After this test, one embryo remained to be implanted, the others were genetically unsatisfactory. The one embryo mentioned is today our Lucy — born at term and as a proper 4,200 g baby :-)
This is a shortened story with many other dimensions that today make me praise the Prague Fertility Centre where I can. The doctor was there in person for all the procedures, egg retrieval and check-ups. She was supportive when I was in pain after stimulation or when I had to undergo curettage, which was necessary after a miscarriage, and of course she was there for the embryo transfer. She performed all the procedures perfectly. The staff in the operating room was very pleasant, empathetic. At PFC, we also paid extra for time-lapse embryo monitoring in addition to PGT, I recommend both methods.
The psychological support was also crucial for me. Unfortunately, in my case, the two dots on the pregnancy test symbolized a terrible fear that things would go wrong again. I basically broke down at every check-up and every “bad” feeling. I have to admit that I was quite unbearable, but the doctor dealt with that as well. She didn’t cower with me, but she didn’t feed false hopes either. That’s really a little art during IVF — being realistic with a positive mood. :-) Lucy makes us happy every day, we are very grateful for her.
Thank you to everyone at PFC and especially to Dr. Lucia Švabíková for her great work :-) and we wish you many happy mothers!

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