MUDr. Anna Prjaničniková | Prague Fertility Centre

Dr. Anna Prjaničniková 

IVF Specialist 

Dr. Prjaničniková is a knowledgeable, caring and perceptive doctor with extensive experience in gynaecology and obstetrics. She has specialised in assisted reproduction since 2006. Dr. Prjaničniková is highly sought after by couples with fertility issues for her vast expertise in reproductive treatment.

Personal Statement: 

IVF is a demanding process that often can be full of emotional stress for everyone involved. Even after many years of practice, I am still energized and optimistic by the stories of people who do not give up on their dream. It is wonderful to be in a position to help them. In my everyday work, it is important for me to be open, empathetic and informed so that patients do not have unrealistic expectations, while feeling professionally guided and supported.

At Prague Fertility Centre, we have a very high-quality and well-qualified team of doctors and embryologists who work closely together and have great team chemistry. Resultantly, we are often sought out by couples who have failed in previous treatments and desire a more personalised approach. Together our team can help couples achieve what I value most in my work — a family of their own.

Education and specialisms: 

  • 2006 Certificate for medical practice in the Czech Republic (Recognition of foreign qualifications in the Czech Republic)
  • 2005 Dissertation defence
  • 19921998 Faculty of Medicine, Samara State University — General Medicine

Work experience in the medical field: 

  • 2021 — present Prague Fertility Centre — Assisted reproduction specialist
  • 2007 — 2020 ISCARE Clinical Centre — Gynaecologist and specialist in assisted reproduction
  • 1998 — 2006 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department, Samara University Hospital — Gynaecologist and oncogynecology scientist

Dr. Anna Prjaničniková says: 

I respect every couple immensely for the commitment and faith they put into treatment. I constantly strive to be a source of professional support and energy on their way to their desired baby.