Behind the scenes of the IVF clinic: What… | Prague Fertility Centre

Behind the scenes of the IVF clinic: What is the role of the infertility treatment coordinator? 



Welcome to the Prague Fertility Centre. Thank you for your trust. We fully understand that this environment may be new to you, so please accept the invitation of our experienced coordinator who will reveal how she can help you on your journey to have a baby.

Right from the start we asked Markéta what her mission is and how she helps patients every day?

I guide each client through the entire process from start to finish. I am available to her, explain the details and guide her step by step. I make the client feel comfortable and safe. I am very happy that I am also helping her on her journey to her dream baby.”

Markéta’s work is quite unique. You don’t usually meet a coordinator at an IVF clinic. We were wondering what was her journey to becoming a coordinator at an IVF clinic?

I have been working in healthcare all my life and I can’t imagine it being any other way. I love children, they are an important part of my life. Even when I was a little girl, I used to borrow the babies of my relatives’ and proudly carry them around. 😊 This is what motivated me to work at the assisted reproduction clinic. It’s wonderful to be part of the whole infertility treatment process, where we all do our best for the couple that entrusts themselves to our care. You are always learning and working with people is proof of that.“

The work of the coordinator is very colourful but also demanding. What does helping people to become parents mean to you personally?

The topic of IVF is very challenging. It affects the psyche of each couple, the partner relationship itself, also the time and last but not least the financial aspect of the matter. I always need feedback regarding my work, of course when it is positive it is always nice and I know it makes a sense. I also welcome negative feedback because that is what helps us move forward. My role is to motivate couples to realize, even during treatment, that it’s important to live life to the fullest, no matter what.“

Could you tell us what you consider to be your greatest professional achievement?

There is probably not just one story to mention. 😊 Sometimes I find a more personal relationship with a client. I still write to some of them today, even though they no longer need our care. I can’t even pinpoint the greatest professional success, but it’s more about client satisfaction and it’s always heartwarming to hear about the birth of a baby. In the case of failure, what matters to me are the clients’ words that they were happy with us even though it didn’t work out.”

Infertility treatment is very challenging and the general public often has different ideas about what the IVF process actually entails. What are the most common myths you encounter in your work?

We repeatedly face several misunderstandings from the laic public. One of them is that IVF is a guaranteed path to 100% pregnancy. The IVF process is individual for each couple and depends on many factors. It also happens that we are approached by a woman who is without a partner and wishes to be inseminated with donated sperm. In this case, according to the Czech law, she is required to come to the IVF clinic with her partner. We also often hear from the general public that clients believe that the entire IVF treatment is covered by insurance. Payment is based on the treatment chosen and the methods involved. I find it very sad that IVF methods are labeled as big business by society.“

What about your opinion on social networks for sharing IVF journeys? Do you think it helps to raise awareness?

Regarding social media, I think it depends on the quality of information to avoid misinformation. Often people don’t have a comprehensive view of the whole IVF process. Social media can be a good servant, but sometimes an evil master.“

It is obvious that the work of a coordinator requires, among other things, a great deal of patience. Do you yourself have any advice that you follow in your personal and professional life?

Don’t judge. That’s what I follow in my professional life, but also in my personal life.”

And how do you recharge your batteries after a hard day? Do you have activities or hobbies that also help you relax and recharge after a busy day?

It’s important to learn to separate privacy from work responsibilities. But sometimes this is not possible because we need to be available to the client who needs our help. In this case, of course, I always answer the phone. In my free time, I try to separate my work. I also try to move regularly and my favourite sports include running, yoga, cycling and walking. I clear my head beautifully when I run and often a good idea will pop into my head. Yoga helps me a lot to fight stress.“

It is obvious that you are very active. Can you ever stop completely? For example, do you have a book that has inspired you lately?

I have. My favourite writer is psychiatrist Radkin Honzak, who has an optimistic and realistic view of life.“

You yourself seem to be an advocate of a balanced lifestyle, so it is certainly good to ask you what you think is the importance of good nutrition and lifestyle in the IVF process and how do you inform your clients about it?

I am a believer in a healthy lifestyle, so I try to gently motivate my clients in that way. I have to admit that a large majority of our clients live a healthy lifestyle. 😊 Getting enough sleep is definitely important, even if it’s challenging at this time of year. My most common advice is to take walks in the woods, especially in the post-transfer period. This is because during this period it forces clients to be constantly on the internet googling guaranteed” advice.“

Finally, perhaps something more technical. What do you see as the most significant recent changes in IVF technology or

I have been in IVF since 1996, so I can see the evolution of technology. I see embryo development monitoring at the forefront. Every time embryologists consult with clients prior to transfer, I am able to monitor embryo development and it continues to fascinate me. I am often delighted by clients coming from another centre and saying that they have never been shown or explained anything like this. I also include the benefits of PGT technology among the great advances. Some clients would not be able to have healthy babies without this option.”