January is Cervical Health Awareness Month | Prague Fertility Centre

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month 



January is Cervical Health Awareness Month. According to The Who, there were 570 000 women diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in 2018, 99% of cases are due to HPV infections.

What you need to know about Cervical Cancer

  • Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women, after breast and colon cancer.
  • The onset of the tumor is preceded by a long-term infection with severe types of HPV viruses and the development of changes.
  • This has resulted in the urgency of getting regular check-ups (PAP test of cytology, colposcopy) which detect pre-tumor changes in the cervix on time so that it can be treated correctly.
  • Regular cervix check-ups are not only relevant to the the treatment of sterility and infertility but a preventive exam indicated for the entire female population.
  • In case that a serious stage of cancer is identified during an ongoing pregnancy it may result in the premature termination of the pregnancy and, in the worst cases, may have fatal consequences.
  • The future is certainly to vaccinate the entire population against HPV infections, which can significantly help in the eradication of this disease.
  • Until this happens, regular check-ups of the global female population are the only and safest way of prevention.

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