The last year of the first quarter century began with great plans and expectations. Some of them are related to health, others to self-fulfillment, others to the family hearth or a longed-for pregnancy. We bring you hints and tips to help you persevere and bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams.
Planning phase
New Year’s resolutions were made by the majority of the population at the turn of the year, but after just 14 days, half of us have already let go of our intentions. Either we find that we have set too many goals, or they are too much of a challenge, or our morale has deserted us and we have simply given up. But how do we get through it and keep our resolve throughout the year? The first month is almost over and we can already see where we are falling short. So let’s do it again and better. There’s still plenty of time before the end of the year.
Be specific!
If you write down “live healthier” or “play sports” or “read books” as a New Year’s resolution, it most likely won’t move you. In fact, it’s such a vague idea that you won’t know how to get started. So try to think calmly about what you really want first. Getting back into your favourite sexy summer dress? Read one book every month? Two lines on a pregnancy test? Run a marathon? The clearer your visions are, the better you can go after them.
Feet on the ground
Running a marathon when you’re struggling to run 200 metres to the tram can be demotivating in itself. Just like completely changing your diet from one day to the next, getting pregnant in a week, or outsmarting a bear in an octagon cage. Rather, give yourself goals that are realistic for you. Instead of a marathon, set a goal of 15 minutes of running twice a week. Remember, you’re starting in winter — it’s still getting dark early, it’s icy outside, and you’re more drawn to the couch than your sneakers. But you really shouldn’t miss those 15 minutes!
“Add a serving of vegetables to every lunch and dinner, and cut fried foods or sugary sodas in half? That sounds much more realistic than trying to go strictly vegan if you’ve been eating pork belly, fried food and washing it down with cola,” advises Šárka Křížková, nutritionist for the Prague Fertility Centre.
You’re in your forties and the desire for motherhood is getting stronger, but your reproductive health is throwing you under the bus? Don’t give up. With the expert help of IVF specialists, you can expect a positive pregnancy test within a few weeks of your consultation.
You’ve only been passively indulging in sports and now you’d like to take your fitness level at least one level higher than it currently is. Don’t be afraid to admit it. An hour in the gym and an hour in the pool during the week will do you good, help you regain your rhythm and discipline, and improve your potency.
Less is more
Your goals may be achievable, but would you have to clone yourself to achieve them? Don’t overdo it with the amount of your commitments either. This can raise cortisol levels uncomfortably, and as we know, stress is the enemy of fertility. Rather, try to combine activities smartly so that you kill more flies with one stone. It won’t feel too harsh on you then.
If you have written down, for example, “lose 3 kilos, eat healthily, do more sports, read 1 book a month and prepare for artificial insemination”, it looks too inflated. But just remember that by eating a nutritionally balanced diet and playing sports, you will lose weight at the same time. You can also add this to preparing for IVF, the chances of which you will increase by tens of percent by revamping your lifestyle and improving your physical fitness. Suddenly, you’ll find that you actually only have two goals. You want to read 1 book every month and prepare for assisted reproduction. And that sounds a lot more pleasant.
The important thing is to start
Nothing in the journey to fulfill our dreams is as essential as one single thing — taking the first step. No matter how small a step, it is the most essential. If you want to start eating healthier, replacing one unhealthy food on your plate with one healthy one, it will still be a forward movement, and that’s what counts! You can challenge your resistance to exercise by signing up for dance classes or going for a brisk walk for an hour twice a week. Longing for a baby but can’t get pregnant? Make an appointment with your partner for a consultation with an infertility specialist. At PFC, you will be attended by a team of specialists and a coordinator who will not only guide you through the whole process, but also inform you about the fertility treatment process and the results of the tests (such as the status of the spermogram or the readiness of the embryos). The most important thing is to take the first step, and surely with the support of your loved ones you will manage.