Prague Fertility Centre - Read Our Blogs | Prague Fertility Centre


We are acutely aware that the infertility treatment process is very demanding, especially emotionally. That is why we gather information from our experts so that you too can learn what is important for couples in a similar situation. You can learn more about reproductive health, artificial insemination, fertility preservation and related topics.


Behind the scenes of the IVF clinic: What is the role of the infertility treatment coordinator? 

Welcome to the Prague Fertility Centre. Thank you for your trust. We fully understand that this environment may be new to you, so please accept the invitation of our experienced coordinator who will reveal how she can help you on your journey to have a baby.

Patient´s story

From pain to joy: Long journey to the baby 

Our patient’s story is an emotional testimony of her difficult journey to motherhood. It started out hopefully. But years of disappointment and grueling treatments followed. Despite the obstacles, she did not give up on her dream of a longed-for baby and found new hope at the Prague Fertility Centre. It was at our clinic that she found the understanding and support she needed so badly, so that at the end of her IVF journey she could have a bundle of joy in the form of a beautiful healthy baby girl. Her story symbolizes encouragement for all those going through similar hardships to not lose strength and believe that one day their desire for a child will come true.


How to choose the right IVF clinic? 

All great things begin with desire. That’s true of the journey to the baby of your dreams. For many women, motherhood is a natural and powerful desire. Those who struggle with fertility issues may find the road to a baby more difficult. Fortunately, there is assisted reproductive technology that offers help for even the most difficult cases. Choosing the right partner in the form of an IVF clinic is an important step on the road to parenthood. What factors should you consider when you are making your decision?


Despite endometriosis: The possibility of IVF treatment at Prague Fertility Centre 

Women suffering from endometriosis often face difficulties on the road to motherhood. Endometriosis can severely limit fertility and make daily functioning uncomfortable. Prague Fertility Centre specialises in helping women with this diagnosis and offers individual care, tailored treatment and family planning support. Using cutting-edge IVF technology and an experienced team of doctors, we will help you achieve your dream of becoming a mother.

Patient´s story

Waiting for the arrival of the baby is hard, but the result is worth it. 

What do you have to overcome together and how much patience, love and energy do you have to spend before your own healthy baby smiles at you? That is what one of the Prague Fertility Centre patients shared with us, and she decided to inspire other couples and give them encouragement. Today, this happy mother wrote her uneasy story with a happy ending.


Myths and facts about IVF: Separating truth from misinformation 

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a method of assisted reproduction that allows conception
outside the womb. Although IVF is a relatively common procedure, there are
still many myths and misinformation about it. In this article, we will look at
some of the most common ones and clarify the facts.