
Infertility Blog 

We are acutely aware that the infertility treatment process is very demanding, especially emotionally. That is why we gather information from our experts so that you too can learn what is important for couples in a similar situation. You can learn more about reproductive health, artificial insemination, fertility preservation and related topics.


Despite endometriosis: The possibility of IVF treatment at Prague Fertility Centre 

Women suffering from endometriosis often face difficulties on the road to motherhood. Endometriosis can severely limit fertility and make daily functioning uncomfortable. Prague Fertility Centre specialises in helping women with this diagnosis and offers individual care, tailored treatment and family planning support. Using cutting-edge IVF technology and an experienced team of doctors, we will help you achieve your dream of becoming a mother.


Myths and facts about IVF: Separating truth from misinformation 

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a method of assisted reproduction that allows conception
outside the womb. Although IVF is a relatively common procedure, there are
still many myths and misinformation about it. In this article, we will look at
some of the most common ones and clarify the facts.


Improving fertility through nutrition 

While age and genetic factors influence egg and sperm quality, incorporating healthy lifestyle choices can positively impact your fertility health. Find out how you can positively influence your fertility with the right diet.

Pregnancy after 40 is possible.

What are my chances of getting pregnant in 40s? 

The reality of our current society has drastically changed compared to our parent’s generation.The truth is, that getting pregnant in your 40s is becoming common ground. We have enormous life opportunities that we want to explore, we want to create a safe environment for our future children, we want to make sure we are emotionally prepared for parenting.

Mom carin after her daughter who just experienced miscarriage

Breaking the taboo around miscarriage 

Miscarriage remains a taboo topic for many, which can leave women and couples feeling isolated and looking for much-needed support.


What is PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)? 

As a fertility center, we have the responsibility to raise awareness about a syndrome that affects millions of women. PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility. We witness it every day and we fight it every day. It affects your life, your joy, your womanhood, and the ability to conceive naturally.